hpAndro CTF walkthrough - Symmetric encryption / 3DES


Task: Your task is to find KEY and try to decrypt given 3DES encrypted flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_rot

Static analysis

Clicking on the "CHECK 3DES FLAG" button results in a base64 encoded encrypted value. img

echo "vhN2YEWA/njdWjOto6lT7FYaejL96ED/Ra5d7PcHtr303nSTl07llWhNFI1tfMWJ4OuTet6EWsc=" | base64 -d | hd
00000000  be 13 76 60 45 80 fe 78  dd 5a 33 ad a3 a9 53 ec  |..v`E..x.Z3...S.|
00000010  56 1a 7a 32 fd e8 40 ff  45 ae 5d ec f7 07 b6 bd  |V.z2..@.E.].....|
00000020  f4 de 74 93 97 4e e5 95  68 4d 14 8d 6d 7c c5 89  |..t..N..hM..m|..|
00000030  e0 eb 93 7a de 84 5a c7                           |...z..Z.|

Unpack the APK with apktool

$ apktool d com.hpandro.androidsecurity_1.2.apk

A quick grep for the button's text shows us the relevant activity's name we should check further in Jadx-GUI

$ grep -ri "CHECK 3DES FLAG"
com.hpandro.androidsecurity_1.2/res/layout/activity_three_des.xml:        <Button android:textAppearance="@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Button" android:textColor="@android:color/white" android:id="@id/btnCheckEncryptFlag" android:background="@drawable/btn_drawable" android:paddingLeft="20.0dip" android:paddingRight="20.0dip" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginTop="16.0dip" android:minWidth="150.0dip" android:text="Check 3DES Flag" />

These are the relevant classes we should analyze: img

The onGetLogs method of the class com.hpandro.androidsecurity.ui.activity.task.encryption.ThreeDESActivity shows that a hardcoded password is used as the encryption key (3des_enc_pass). img

A quick grep reveals the hardcoded password used for the DES3 encryption:

$ grep -ri "3des_enc_pass"
res/values/public.xml:    <public type="string" name="_3des_enc_pass" id="0x7f100011" />
res/values/strings.xml:    <string name="_3des_enc_pass">{REDACTED}</string>

The decrypt method takes 2 parameters, the encrypted data (str) and the hardcoded password (str2). img

As it can be seen above, the key used for encryption/decryption is the first 24 bytes of the hardcoded password's SHA1 hash (line 83,84,88).

The following Java snippet is the replication of the "decrypt" method found in class com.hpandro.androidsecurity.ui.activity.task.encryption.ThreeDESActivity:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.security.MessageDigest;

public class threeDES_decrypt {

    private String decrypt(String data, String secretKey) {
        try {
            // Base64 decode && Get the bytes of the encrypted data
            byte[] encBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(data.getBytes("utf-8"));

            // Get the SHA1 digest of the secretKey
            MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
            byte[] bytePass = instance.digest(secretKey.getBytes("utf-8"));

            // First 24 bytes of the SHA1 hash
            byte[] byteKey = Arrays.copyOf(bytePass, 24);

            // Decryption
            SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(byteKey, "DESede");
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
            byte[] byteText = cipher.doFinal(encBytes);
            String clearText = new String(byteText, "utf-8");

            return clearText;
        catch(Exception ex) {
            return ex.getMessage();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String data = "";
        String secretKey = "";
        String clearText = new threeDES_decrypt().decrypt(data, secretKey);

$ javac threeDES_decrypt.java && java threeDES_decrypt


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