APT Insights Part 2.1: C/C++ Dev Environment with Visual Studio and vcpkg
APT Insights Part 2: Command and Control
APT Insights Part 1: VBA and VBS
MASTG walkthrough - OWASP MSTG UnCrackable Level 1
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_CODING_004_Code_Injection
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_CODING_003_SQL_Injection_Content_Provider
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_CODING_003_SQL_Injection
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_011_Memory
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_002_Logging
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_001_SQLite_Encrypted
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_001_SQLite_Not_Encrypted
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_001_SharedPreferences
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_001_ExternalStorage
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_001_InternalStorage
MASTG walkthrough - OMTG_DATAST_001_BadEncryption
Practical Malware Analysis & Triage - Challenge: SikoMode (Static & Dynamic Analysis)
Practical Malware Analysis & Triage - Challenge: SillyPutty (Part 2: Dynamic Analysis)
Practical Malware Analysis & Triage - Challenge: SillyPutty (Part 1: Static Analysis)
Inspect certificate pinning in NSAppTransportSecurity configuration (iOS applications)
hpAndro CTF walkthrough - Is debugger connected?
hpAndro CTF walkthrough - Symmetric encryption / 3DES
hpAndro CTF walkthrough - Asymmetric encryption / RSA
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